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Lost in Dookh’s Village.

Sun Feb 09, 2020 6:13 pm

Firstly, I’m so insanely grateful that these games have been rereleased. I was absolutely obsessed with them back in 2011 and bought many of the expansions. I eventually forgot about them until a few months ago and to my surprise, found that they’ve been completely redrawn! How often does a cult classic get so much attention from its creators. I love the originals still, but the rereleases are everything I’d of hoped for and more. They look and play absolutely perfect. I’ve completed the original, ice and fire and now I’m moving on to Luko and plan to buy every quest expansion.

Anyways, I have no idea how I figured it out a decade ago, but I’m stuck because I’ve got Baba Yaga’s aid and now I’m in Dookh Village and am simply told that they don’t need my help and won’t provide there’s. I don’t really see where to head from here. There’s limited other areas I can travel to and Dookh village is just a no. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Lost in Dookh’s Village.

Tue Feb 11, 2020 4:01 am

Happy about your excitement about our expansions. Working very hard to port as many as possible.

Do you have the quest Persuade the Dookh Spirits, 'For Tzar Yaromir, Royal Quarters, Fortress of Zlatograd, easkthe spirits of Dookh Village near Rubezhye Forest to the south to use their magic to join the fight against the Savirs.'

Talk to Ded Pikhto in Dookh Village West if you do-BUT-you need Persuasion greater than 75.

Is that the quest you're having difficulty with or is it something else? If it's something else, come back.
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