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Elixir of Youth

Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:31 pm

I already played the first few expansions but still have this open quest from the main game.
As far as I remember:
I rushed through and came back to the gatekeeper definitely within time. And I had two dialogue options. The one for the elixir of youth and the other - which I chose - ended the main quest. I chose the good ending, so the gates are closed and I saw the ending text scrolling.
So I ended up with the elixir of youth, the quest is still open, but I can't get back to the gatekeeper.
Would even be fine with me if I could at least get it to the failed quests. But in the active-tab it's a little pain...

Re: Elixir of Youth

Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:33 am

I don't remember the specifics of that quest but sometimes these can happen, sorry.

(In The Quest, quests can depend on any number of things which can't really be checked and might be completed in a very independent manner. This means you can't just "reset" a quest because that might mean "resetting" the whole game basically. Similarly letting people "failing" a quest would lead to problems with people failing quests which they thought weren't completable but in actuality were and/or cutting them off from later quests.)

Re: Elixir of Youth

Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:16 am

Uh, thanks, doesn't look too good for me, does it? :(

What about a feature:
A new tab for "stalled quests" or "invisible quests" where you can move quests with problems or you don't want to follow.
It get's really crowdy in the active quests tab when going to the expansions.

Re: Elixir of Youth

Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:15 pm

OK another idea, if such changes are still made for the The Quest:

What about prerequisites:
1. Main Mission done
2. Gate locked

Then fail Elixier of Youth Quest if it's still open.
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