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I get arrested by guards but don’t know why?

Wed Jan 25, 2023 3:35 pm

New to this game, loving it so far!

Finished most of the quests in Matras and am now in Vastares. Playing as Rasvim.

For some reason any time I now cross a guard he arrests me, “you broke our laws…”. It doesn’t say which laws and I don’t remember breaking any laws.

What’s causing this?

In fact, how does the crime system work? Couldn’t find anything on the wiki.

Re: I get arrested by guards but don’t know why?

Thu Jan 26, 2023 9:43 am

You can read about crime in the manual. :)

You can check your current crime level on your character's info screen (under health and mana). If it's more than 0 and you get near guards they'll try and arrest you. You need to pay a fine or go to jail for a time. (Or, you can find "other" ways to get rid of your notoriety but as you don't seem to choose the life of crime, I recommend either paying the fine or reloading an earlier save where your crime level is 0.)
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