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Methods to store gear and other stuff

Fri Feb 03, 2023 11:13 pm

Hello everyone.
Maybe anyone can give me an advice of the way i can store my gear and other stuff.
I heard the reward for competing the the main quest would include own house, but only at the end of main quest that seems to happen towards the end of the game.
I tried to use barrel in one of the cities but vain - all the stuff dissapered from it in a week or so.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Methods to store gear and other stuff

Sat Feb 04, 2023 12:10 pm

Game areas are "reset" every in game week. This includes containers but not plants (you can however buy alchemical ingredients).

Well, they aren't reset every week. They are reset after you have been away for at least a week. So if you check back at a place frequently enough, it won't be reset and you won't lose anything, even things on the ground. It's not exactly convenient or safe though.

There is an exception for this. "Permanent" storage spaces. This is how the storage works in your house too. Usually there is no indication which storage is "permanent" and which is not. There is however a surefire way to know. If you find a quest item in a container, it's a permanent container.

There is a quest near the first town where you have to go underground where there is a permanent container (with a nice hint about its special status even).
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