iPhone vs Android

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iPhone vs Android

Postby Turtleman » Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:16 pm

I just switched from an iPhone 3GS to a Samsung Galaxy Note. I've found a replacement version for every game except all the expansions for the Quest. Which makes me sad. I'm keeping my iPhone just for one purpose and one purpose only. To play Quest. I know there was a Quest for Android but I understand that not all of the expansions are on Android. So I'm keeping my iPhone active as a game machine with only one game on it. So a post I made several weeks ago is now actually true. There aren't any other apps worth using on my iPhone besides the Quest. If anyone starts making Android expansions for Quest, let me know, please. Other than missing the Quest I won't miss the iPhone.
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Re: iPhone vs Android

Postby Elendil / Redshift » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:17 am

Actually, there is no Android version of The Quest. At this time we are not developing for Android. (There are many important reasons.)

This might change in the future, as we regularly reevaluate our options, but even then, it's unlikely The Quest would receive an Android port, sorry.
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Re: iPhone vs Android

Postby Turtleman » Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:50 pm

:) Well I guess I have to say that just shows how good I think Quest is. I'm keeping my iPhone as a game machine with only the Quest game on it. I've deleted everything else that's deletable so I can do one other thing. Something I started doing was to screen capture conversations. I was forever trying to remember just where someone sent me and what I was supposed to do. So if I capture the conversation I can check back and refresh my memory. But this was taking up a lot of memory. Now I will have plenty of memory on my iPhone for the only game I own that matters to me. LOL!
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Re: iPhone vs Android

Postby fuser » Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:09 pm

Hi there - I registered specifically to add my voice to this: I moved on from ios to Android and this is one of the now very few games that hasn't been ported across. Great shame.
If Square Enix, Gameloft and Rockstar games have all decided Android is worth while, I'd be interested to know why it doesn't seem to be an option for you guys!
Love the game anyway :)
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