Unable to place stuff on shelves

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Unable to place stuff on shelves

Postby Chripyoramgebeef » Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:24 pm

I have the quest on my iPhone 3GS I played threw until I had to put the idles on the shelves but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I couldn't put the gold flower on the shelf in the cemetery to put the spirit to rest either. I erased my game and re down loaded it and I still have the same problem. Any thing that I can do to fix this?
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Re: Unable to place stuff on shelves

Postby Elendil / Redshift » Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:01 pm

That's not a technical problem.

The inventory screen has two parts. Your actual inventory (backpack) and stuff on the ground/in a barrel/on a shelf. You can switch and transfer item between them using the two colored arrow icons on the screen. With the upturning/green arrow you can take items from the ground/barrel/shelf/etc. and with the downturning/yellow arrow you can put items from your inventory into the container/on the ground.

These two arrows can also be used to switch between the two inventory parts. So to put anything from your backback into a shelf, do the following: touch the shelf, touch the down/yellow arrow to switch to your backpack, select the item you want to put into the shelf, then touch the down/yellow arrow again (or just doubletap the item).

I, of course, freely admit it's not the most intuitive mechanic on first sight. :)
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