A Tale of Two Princes

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A Tale of Two Princes

Postby Longbow520 » Sat Apr 02, 2016 12:56 pm

Ok so this is the general idea. The player heres rumors of this island that's having a serious session crisis, so ok basically the king is getting kind of old and will probably die soon. This would normally be ok (he has 2 sons), however the problem is that his sons are difraternal twins. Normally the first born would be crowned king and that would be it. Except...... these princes were born at the same time the exact same time. They bothe stuck there little hands and heads out of there mothers belly at the same time. One son is a really nice guy who is like really nice and the other is kind of a mean. So basically the player has to do one of 2 questlines in which thay will help one prince take over. After that is done there are a few more quests which involve hunting down and killing/captureing the enimy Princes supporters. Once a prince has taken over the player can ask about lordship. Asking about lordship will cause the prince to say that they have an island that has no lord (the lord that inhabitants this island is the ally of the enimy prince and is killed in a previous quest) and the player may build a village/town/city as will as a castle (the lords castle and village were destroyed) with farms, mines, ranches and other aconomy based buildings which allow the player a steady flow of stream of income. If the player has sided with the evil prince thay may also purchase slaves (which work like villagers). The village has a crime system and a reputation system. if your rep is low people work faster but crime rises and vice versa so the player has to balance the system, building stuff like taverns, churches, and other luxury buildings allow you to rais your rep and having high taxes, punishing people for no reason (actually an option), or punishing people to much (if someone is arrested for pickpocketing and the player kills them). I'm not sure how to use the Editor but if someone else wants to make this I would be thrilled, you could easily charge 3-4 dollars for something like this. So yeh comment and give me more ideas in case I figure out the Editor or someone else makes it!!!
Posts: 25
Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:33 pm

Re: A Tale of Two Princes

Postby Longbow520 » Tue Apr 12, 2016 1:22 am

If anyone has any suggestions, comments or thoughts please comment, I might make this with the quest editor.
Posts: 25
Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:33 pm

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